Habitat Protection

Brisbane’s Open Space Plan 20th Anniversary Report

The presentation begins with a brief history of the mountain and takes us through the happenings of today.  This is an interactive presentation. It contains active links, and the pictures and maps are all clickable.  There are section headings, so you can jump around if you want. Click here for the full-sized version. (It's better full-size.)

City Actions

  • Habitat Conservation Plan was adopted in the 1980s and protects endangered species and their habitat on San Bruno Mountain.
  • Brisbane’s City Council approved the Open Space Plan on August 27, 2001. This document addresses land acquisition or preservation based on the identification of natural resources and amenities. An amendment to the Plan was adopted in September 2022.
  • Annual vegetation management and habitat maintenance of City owned open space
  • Every year, Brisbane hosts several Habitat Restoration and Coastal Clean-up Days where volunteer community members have the opportunity to learn about local habitats and work together to help maintain them. Check out photos from prior events on the City’s Flickr page.

How You Can Help

  • Attend Habitat Restoration and Coastal Clean-Up Days.
  • Replace invasive species with native plants to help preserve local habitats. Mission Blue Nursery provides plants that are native to the mountain. Invasive species can colonize habitats and decrease the abundance of native species. Invasive species that are common in Brisbane include broom, ivy and cherry plum bush. 
  • Protect pollinators by planting plants that attract pollinators and avoid using neonicotinoid pesticides by using alternative pest management practices.

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